- Exhaustion
- pluralism
- pessimism
- disillustionment with idea of absolute knowledge
- Expression of modern life/technology
Post Modernism
- a reaction to these
- 1917- German writer Rudolph Pannwitz, spoke of nihilistic, amoral men
- 1964- Leslie Fielder a culture which rejected the elitist values of modern culture
- 1960 - begins
- 1970- established as a term
- 1980- recognisable style
- 1990s- dominant theoretical discourse
- today- tired and simmering
- Modernism dies according to Charles Jencks - 15th of july 1972
- demolition of the Pruit - Igoe development, st. Louis
- typical modernist design
Post Modernism
- has an attitude of qeustioning conversations
- Post modern aestheric = multiplicing of styles and approaches
- space for new voice
- only rule is that there are no rules
- celebrates what might otherwise be termed kitsch
Park Hill Flats
- post war housing
- modernist style
- build a community