Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Deconstruction in Graphic Design

This is a front cover from the ray gun magazine which david carson was the art director of. Ray Gun was known for its cutting edge graphics and numerous typo's. The magazines layout has no clear order and no grids, its in complete disorder.

This is a piece done by david carson as well where he basically states dont mistake legibility for communication. The entire image is made out of just type laid over each other. It goes against any clear grids or legibility.

This is a piece done by Marinetti he has used his poetry in a deconstructive way where the words actually represent an expression or a dialogue. The abstract composition forces you to read the poem in a specific way.

This is a Wolfgang Weingart poster, the poster is loaded with so much information and its up to the reader how they interpret it and how they read the poster. You can interpret this poster in the conventional way by reading it left to right you have to read the bits you are drawn to first may that be because the point size is bigger and it grabs your attention first.

This is a poster done by Spriegfried Odermatt for a jazz festival, all the rules for type has been thrown out of the window for this poster, theres no clear structure, text is overlaid over other text and theres no clear area to start reading. 

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