Monday 29 November 2010

Graphic Design: A medium for the masses

Giotto Di Bondene and his betrayal of christ

  • Got paid to paint pictures of the bible
  • Illustrates the message as a lot of people couldn't read at that time either.
Graphics through the ages
  • Bison and horses (15,000 - 10,000 BC)
  • cave paintings to help communicate stories
Hentri De Toulouse - lautrec
  • advertising nights out in france
  • using fine art with text
Graphic design started out as fine art with text

  • Swiss had cutting edge design
  • English and American conscripition posters much more tradition with home values
  • British design very reserved
  • Paul Rand starts to become very inflauntial  in america (1946)
  • Paul Rand IBM logo
  • Hitler shuts down the Bauhaus in 1933 to stop modernist forward thinking
  • Hitler puts on degenerate art exhibition
  • Sex pistols - do it yourself poster has links to how the punks think and their style and the movement against the hippys
  • Volkswagen - think small advert
  • Neville brody pushes the boundaries of type and layout
  • David carson and ray gun magazine pushes the boundaries of legibility

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