Monday 13 December 2010

New media and Visual Culture

Characteristics of new digital media

  • "late age of print" were in atm
  • age of print started 1450
  • allows people to become literate
  • Lage age of print we now have to be computer literate
Electronic Books
  • reader takes on the role of author
  • democrasation 
  • challenges the role of author
Computer Media
  • hypertext
  • overwhelming amount of information
  • all the information you need
  • new technologies change the world
Definitions of Mass Media
  • Modern systems of communication
  • negative criticism of mass media
  • superficial, uncritical, encourages status Quo, audience is dispersed, disempowered, figures measure success. 
  • encourages apathy
  • power held by few motivated by profit/social control
  • bland, escapist and standardised
  • not all low quality
  • creativity can be a feature of mass media
  • democratic potential
Artist use of Mass Media
  • John Walker - Art in the age of Mass media, what happens to art in this late age
  • Oliviero Toscani - Benneton Campaign
  • Leeds 13 - uses mass media to get known and get work
Key Qeustions
  • Can art be autonomous
  • Should art be autonomous
  • Jackson pollard paid by CIA to do his work to show the work of free mind
  • art for political reasons.

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