Thursday, 24 November 2011

Lecture 5 - The Gaze and The media

The Gaze and the Media

Vanity - the mirror is a device which shows the women is looking at herself in the mirror
Alexandre cabanel

Raises hand which party covers eyes, other slightly bend, this gesture emplys that shes just waking from sleep or just about to go to sleep. This allows you to look at her body but not have her looking back at you.

Titians venus of urbino.

She is aware of us but she is inviting. Gives us the idea that shes a wealthy women with servants in the background.

Manet - Olympia

Manet represents modernism a bit. she is a symbol of a assertive female presence, the flowers been given to her by an admirer. She looks you straight in the eyes....

Jeff Wall - Picture for women

the women has the absorbed gaze and posture of manet's barmade. The male gaze. seperates the shot in 3rd's to show the diferences between the model and the male artist.

Coward, R

The camera in contemporary media has been put to use as an extension of the male gaze at women on the streets. she poses in a way where u want to look at her body but her eyes are covered so you dont "feel bad" at stairing at her.

Eva Herzigova

shes looking down at her self and not at the viewer, the "hello boys" is an inviting piece of text allowing you to stair at her and some form of flirtation produced. Normalising putting her body on the street.

Male advertising.

reflects the male body and beuty is connected with strength and the gym, they all look you straight in the eye. "the gaze"

  • 1950's cinema the male takes the active role where the women takes the passive role

Barbara Kruger

Leaves us with ambigiuous statements, she is offering us the side of her face instead of the full gaze.

Sarah Lucas

Self portrait of food on her body, this is to show that the female body is there to be consumed. 

Reality TV

Passively consuming somehting which isnt reality TV, the directors cut out the bits which will get most views and produce their bais view on what they show the people.

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